Bugle article-HStoeckeler.pdf
At a time when the United States was experiencing a period of extensive mural painting in public buildings, and Mexican artists were at their peak productivity of mural art, Hazel Stoeckeler chose to do a mural painting as a thesis project for an advanced degree.
Perhaps the only architecture graduate to complete a mural as her thesis project (certainly the first!) and the only master of arts degrees in the major, Hazel's 45 foot long mural, "The Epic of Minnesota's Great Forests" still graces the lower level walls of Green Hall on the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota. She also has a series of watercolors on display in a conference room of Skok Hall next door.
A productive artist and teacher, Hazel's work will also be part of a series of curated exhibitions celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Regis Center for Art on the University campus, October 22-November 9, 2013 - conveniently timed to happen during the School of Architecture Centennial!
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