What was the most important thing/skill/concept you learned at the School of Architecture?
Who made the most lasting impression (most influenced you) and why?
Really impossible to single out one individual, especially with the benefit of years of hindsight. Ralph Rapson, of course. Dewey Thorbeck for his team approach, integrity, design skills. David Bennett, Dennis Holloway, Tom Bender, Hosni Iskander for encouraging me to look to non-traditional environmental approaches to architecture. Last but not least, Lance Lavine, the first written thesis at the school, a tireless educator of environmental ethics and action.
What is your favorite memory from your studio days?
Working with fellow students and APX brothers to complete projects.
Please identify one (or more) memorable design project that you worked on while a student at the School of Architecture.
Working with Mark Beckman on our thesis, with Tom Martinson's invaluable assistance in the darkroom, on Archiecoframe.
What major forces (such as individual architects, design philosophies, rendering styles, research methods, etc.) do you remember influencing you significantly as a student?
Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Malcolm Wells, and Charles Gwathmey.
Cite an example (be specific) that illustrates how you used the education you received at the School of Architecture to positively impact (or better) your community, city, nation or the world.
Founded a firm that has provided assistance on millions of square feet of building construction to significantly reduce their negative energy and environmental impact.
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