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College of Design

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Teresa R. Forsberg

University of Minnesota - B.A. Arch '03, M.Arch '07

What was the most important thing/skill/concept you learned at the School of Architecture?
Being able to see, accept, and justify criticism.

Who made the most lasting impression (most influenced you) and why?
Arthur Chen - I could not have experienced as much diverse architecture, culture, and society as I did without embarking on the Port Cities semester study abroad, guided by Arthur. It was phenomenal, life-changing, and a critical component to diversifying my architectural skills.

What is your favorite memory from your studio days?
Port Cities studio work environment, culture, and critiques in Giudecca (Venice, Italy).

Please identify one (or more) memorable design project that you worked on while a student at the School of Architecture.
A group project involving Lakewood Cemetery research in Julia Robinson's architecture class, environmental studio projects with Virajita Singh and Ali Heshmati, and my thesis project - Daily Exposure: a Synthesis of Life and Death.

What major forces (such as individual architects, design philosophies, rendering styles, research methods, etc.) do you remember influencing you significantly as a student?
Antonio Gaudi, Frederick Law Olmsted, Peter Zumthor, and E. Fay Jones.

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