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College of Design

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Howard F. Goltz

University of Minnesota - B.Arch '69

What was the most important thing/skill/concept you learned at the School of Architecture?
The team approach to problem solving, and building on the criticism and input of others for improved solutions.

Who made the most lasting impression (most influenced you) and why?
Studio and thesis professor, Leonard Parker because of his steadfast insistence that design be relevant and based on a clear scientific approach of understanding the client & the clients needs, researching issues & background, theorizing & assessing alternatives, and development of a preferred solution.

What is your favorite memory from your studio days?
The high level of energy and commitment shared by the students and faculty.

Please identify one (or more) memorable design project that you worked on while a student at the School of Architecture.
  • Architectonics!
  • Minneapolis Mississippi Riverfront Re-development
  • The Minnegasco Competition
What major forces (such as individual architects, design philosophies, rendering styles, research methods, etc.) do you remember influencing you significantly as a student?
Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity and the teamwork & learning environment it fostered across grades 1-4 and into grad school.

Cite an example (be specific) that illustrates how you used the education you received at the School of Architecture to positively impact (or better) your community, city, nation or the world.
The development and refinement of facilities that deliver healthcare in an integrated environment, combining inpatient, outpatient, and diagnostic services into a single, more highly efficient and effective setting for both the caregivers and the patients and are often combined with education and research components.

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